Special Redistricting Panel, appointed by MN Supreme Court Chief justice Lorie Gildea, issued a
scheduling order yesterday that sets filing deadlines for petitioners and a hearing schedule for gathering input from the public.
The schedule is as follows:
Intervention: motions due July 29th, responses due August 12th
Stipulations and Unresolved Issues: September 28th
Redistricting Criteria: motions due October 5th, responses due October 19th, oral arguments (if necessary) October 26th
Remote Electronic Access to Records: request for oral argument due July 29th, if requested will coincide with Intervention hearing.
Public Hearings: October 6th - 14th
If everything goes according to schedule the Special Redistricting Panel will have concluded it's hearings by the end of October. For comparisons sake, in 2000, the
deadline for motions to intervene was September 14th, so this new schedule is about a month ahead of the 2000 schedule.
In 2000 the final plan was released on March 19th so at this point it's probably safe to say that the Special Redistricting Panel is shooting for the February 21st deadline to wrap things up.